How Investors Can Align Impact Across Public and Private Investment Portfolios: An Interactive Workshop with Fiduciary Trust
by Jessie Tang

August 26, 2021
In April 2021, Gratitude Railroad hosted an interactive workshop “Total Portfolio Activation: Achieving Impact Goals Across Your Investments” with our community partner and wealth advisory firm Fiduciary Trust International.
Colleen Silver (Managing Director, Portfolio Manager) and Jeff Finkelman (VP of Sustainable Investments) from Fiduciary Trust led the workshop and shared their expertise on how investors can effectively partner with an investment advisor to achieve both impact and financial goals. GRR co-founder Eric Jacobsen also shared insights and learnings from his own portfolio.
Colleen and Jeff recently penned a new article, “How to Craft a Sustainable Strategy Statement,” to distill the four main steps in building an effective sustainable investment strategy. Answering the key questions laid out will help guide investors to values-alignment and impact clarity across their investment spectrum.